All of our filming was done on my cell phone. We had an implication with the camera, which is why we filmed on my phone. The phone also has a better ability to adjust in different lightings. So it was helpful for outdoor filming. One issue we ran into with using the phone is we filmed our first few scenes vertically before remembering it must be horizontal. We filmed the rest of the scenes both horizontal and vertical. We also filmed most of the scenes shot vertically again horizontally. We ended up with a large assortment of shots so we will have a lot to choose from when we edit. We also filmed early so we still have a lot of time to film any shots that may have been timed wrong or filmed incorrectly again. We also choose a close spot to film so it will be easy to film again if we need.
The filming took about two hours and thirty minutes. The hardest part about filming was getting the dogs to cooperate. The most difficult shot to film was the shot where the main dog, Evie was wandering the park. We had to make sure she didn’t run too far but didn’t stand still. We also had to make sure we were not in the shot. This was hard because in order to get the dog to go where we wanted her to go we had to call her without letting her get to close so we are not in the shot. Despite small difficulties with the dogs and filming everything else went smoothly. All of the actors followed well to directions and were very helpful. We timed all of our shots so that they went well with the music and made sense. Our filming experience went very well and I am excited to edit and see our shots play with the music.