Monday, October 28, 2019

Filming/Editing Blog

     Today in class we were supposed to finish filming and begin editing. I began by checking out the equipment for filming. This included getting the camera pass, camera and tripod. Once I checked everything out my group and I began filming. For the first shot we did the scene that shows how the shoes are stylish. We had already filmed this shot but decided to change it so our shots never repeated with the same shoe. I filmed this scene while the three actors were, Roscoe W, Zeke M and Elijah S. I stood at the bottom of the stairs as they ran down them. This shot is a low angle and a three-shot because there are three actors. This scene was taken on my phone because the quality was much better.
      Next, we went to the media studies classroom to film our next scene. This scene shows how Nike shoes are comfortable. I filmed and Elijah was the actor. He wore slides and sat in a comfortable chair to show how he was comfy wearing the slides. For this shot I started close to the shoes then, zoomed out to show the whole actor. Once we finished with all of our filming we went to begin editing. Unfortunately, the computers were having issues so we could not edit. Because of these issues we removed all of the footage from previous filming off the computer so it would not be lost. I emailed the shots from my phone to the computer so we could have all the footage together. Then, we saved all of the footage on my flash drive. 
       This issue however, was not the only one of the day. After all of the footage was saved I began my blog. But since there are few working computers in the classroom, another group had their footage saved on it so I had to leave. I could not find another computer so I downloaded the blogger app. This app does not let you publish work without paying a fee. But there were no more computers and this app could make all future blogs much easier, so I bought it. Then I published my blog. But I thought I published it twice so I deleted the published one. This deleted every version and I had to start over. Overall, there were many issues today with both editing and blogging but everything got worked out and finished. 

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