Thursday, February 6, 2020

Planning Blog: Shooting Scripts

     Today we finally got to write our shooting script, which is one of the most important parts of the planing stage. We finally got to flesh out our ideas for our movie and really figure out what's going to happen in each scene. Even though we were excited on the idea side, it was hard to fit every single idea in and what direction should we take some scenes in. We all had some different takes on what the story should be and how it was presented. some of us wanted toe interrogation scene, whit is at the end of the shooting script to be at the beginning, while others didn't want that at all. As a group we decided on our final shooting script, not as one of our group members ideas, we decided to make a compromise between all of us. We think that all of the ideas that we implemented work smoothly and that balance each other out. The plot that we created, is very interesting to all of us and is pretty good. We have a lot of intriguing details that we would like to add to this shooting script, but were on a time limit. All in all we all think that we made a good shooting script.

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